Cold Relief


Thando Cold Relief tea is an exclusive blend of natural herbs that cure the cold symptoms. Cold is a common illness and it is beneficial to have an easy natural solution to cure the cold. Thando Cold Relief tea gives a more convenient solution for common cold. Hyssop will often alleviate the symptoms of cold while herbs like Echinacea will shorten the duration of the cold. Astragalus will work to prevent cold and upper respiratory infections. Herbs like Periwinkle may feel you better when you have a cold and sore throat. Let’s get relief from the common cold with Thando Cold Relief Tea!


Health Benefits of Thando Cold Relief Tea:

  • Alleviate the cold
  • Reduce the duration of cold
  • Treat for sore throat
  • Support metabolism
  • Fight with viral infections

Additional information

Weight 3 oz

Caffeine Free


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