Herbal Tea 101

What Is Herbal Tea?

A quick definition: Herbal teas (also called tisanes) are made from (or infused with) with spices, herbs, and other plant materials. Unlike other types of tea, tisanes are not made with tea leaves. Rather than using the word tea, Europeans use the word tisane to describe herbal teas, which is slightly more precise because herbal tea is an infusion or blend of leaves, fruits, bark, roots, or flowers of almost any edible tea plant, which is then extracted in hot water. Drinking herbal tea allows you to reap all the…

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Goodness Works

Goodness: Prevent Cancer

Goodness Works American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)  Goodness is one of the guiding principles of Thando Teas. We live our convictions by featuring a national charity we believe in and donate 5% of our net profits to their efforts. We further support by donating an additional 10%  when you purchase the Monthly Featured Product. Every time you make a purchase; you help make the world a little better. September’s featured charitable organization is The Prevent Cancer Foundation® in honor of Chadwick Boseman. As I have grown older I have…

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Goodness Works

Goodness: Suicide Prevention

Goodness Works American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)  Goodness is one of the guiding principles of Thando Teas. We live our convictions by featuring a national charity we believe in and donate 5% of our net profits to their efforts. We further support by donating an additional 10%  when you purchase the Monthly Featured Product. Every time you make a purchase; you help make the world a little better. August’s featured charitable organization is the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). I have personally been affected by suicide at a…

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Herbal Tea 101

Tea Infusion 101

Infusions are used in many beverages to add flavor to the drink. It is, in fact, how we make many teas and the process could not be simpler. If you have brewed tea, then you have made an infusion. Infusion By definition, an infusion is a drink made by placing a flavoring ingredient (such as tea or herbs) into a liquid (such as hot water). Infusions are the most popular method of preparing teas and tisanes. This tea or “herbal tea” preparation is also call brewing and typically involves: Pouring hot water over plant…

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Herbal Tea 101

Herbal Teas and Tisanes

Herbal teas—also called tisanes—are a major part of the tea world, but did you know they’re not technically teas? What is commonly referred to as an “herbal tea” is actually an infusion or decoction made from a plant other than Camellia sinensis—the plant from which true teas (green tea, black tea, oolong, etc.) are made. For this reason, there is a trend toward the use of terms like “tisane” (pronounced tea-zahn), “botanical,” or “infusion.” Tisanes are caffeine-free and can be served hot or cold. Herbal teas have a long history, dating back to ancient China and Egypt, where tisanes were drunk for both…

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