Infusions are used in many beverages to add flavor to the drink. It is, in fact, how we make many teas and the process could not be simpler. If you have brewed tea, then you have made an infusion.


By definition, an infusion is a drink made by placing a flavoring ingredient (such as tea or herbs) into a liquid (such as hot water). Infusions are the most popular method of preparing teas and tisanes.

This tea or “herbal tea” preparation is also call brewing and typically involves:

  1. Pouring hot water over plant matter (such as dried leaves or berries).
  2. Waiting for a period of time (called steeping).
  3. Then removing the plant matter before drinking.

The word infusion may also refer to the infused beverage itself. It is sometimes used to refer specifically to tisanes, which may be called “herbal infusions,” but it can also refer to true teas.